Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Freo and week end in Margaret River

L'Indi bar fait tourner les têtes...

The Red Back, the most deadful spider on earth, is laying eggs in my backyard...

Margaret River

Monday, February 04, 2008

Road trip from Perth to Coral Bay, WA

First stop : Yanchep National Park

Second stop: Kalbarri National Park

Maiiiis nooon, y a pas de mouches!...

Third stop: Shark Bay and Monkey Mia

Eagle Bluff lookout

Shell Beach

Monkey Mia

Fourth stop: Coral Bay

Ready to go snorkelling?

Ready to go diving!

Albinos manta ray

Sea snake

Snorkelling with the manta rays

That was massive!!!

The shark nursery

Retour en Magic Bus. Maman a décidé d'étudier les baleines.

Road trip on the Great Ocean Road-from Victoria to South Australia

Depart de Melbourne


Along the road...

Suite à une fuite d'essence quelque part dans le moteur, on est obligé de conduire façon commando:

12 Apostles

Loch Ard Gorge

Port Campbell

Mount Gambier

Murray River
